Vastaa ja vaikuta: EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement ​​​​​​​

The European Commission is collecting views relating to the further improving business opportunities under the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (the EPA).

The EPA enhances and facilitates trade between the EU and Japan not only by removing or reducing custom duties but also by eliminating regulatory barriers that get in the way of EU companies exporting their products and services to Japan.

Those barriers may include diverging or unnecessary complicated technical standards, cumbersome procedures for approving products on the Japanese market or costly checks to ensure their conformity with Japanese regulations. In consequence, such barriers may inflict additional costs and administrative burden, resulting in reduced or lost trade opportunities.​​​​​​​

The objectives of this survey are to identify:

  • a) existing regulatory barriers that hamper EU exports to Japan;
  • b) needs for developing or aligning new standards or technical regulations which would facilitate and enhance trade between the EU and Japan.

Your contribution to this survey is highly valued and will prove to be instrumental towards improving the business climate for EU businesses.

Please respond to the questionnaire by 29 April 2022

For any questions/clarifications regarding the survey, please contact